6 Common Mistakes While Writing a Sales Page

6 Common Mistakes While Writing a Sales Page


A well-written sales page can turn your curious visitors into paying customers. However, there are times when you make some mistakes that may affect the effectiveness of your sales page.

By learning these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can create a sales page that not only attracts potential customers but also convinces them to take action and make a purchase.

In this post, we’ll explore common mistakes you may encounter while writing your sales page.


1. Making It All About You

Your visitors are on your sales page searching for solutions to their most pressing problems. So can you imagine how they’ll feel when your sales page is all about you and how amazing your product or service’s features are?

The most common mistake business owners make when creating sales pages is making it all about themselves.

Make your sales page about your potential customers, their problems, situations, and how they will benefit from your offer.

Of course, there are dedicated sections on your sales page where you tell your visitors about yourself and your offer but you don’t have to overwhelm them with it.


2. Lacklustre Testimonials

Testimonials are your biggest source of social proof that can influence your sales page’s visitors' purchasing decisions. They give insight into the reality of your offerings and how effective your previous clients find it. This also enhances your sales and increases the chances of people choosing you over others.

However, generic testimonials like 'she was great' or 'it was a pleasure working with her' lack impact.

Focus instead on testimonials that highlight specific results, statistics, or "aha" moments experienced by customers.


3. Off-Putting First Impression

First impression sets the tone and can influence whether your visitors stay on the page or leave immediately. Your potential customers will probably do the latter if your sales page has cluttered layouts, excessive texts, or distracting visuals.

Keep your sales page clean, focused, and easy to navigate. Use concise, persuasive copy and high-quality images or videos that support your message without causing distraction.


4. Lack of Rapport Building

Another common mistake when writing a copy for your sales page is making it sound too corporate and impersonal.

Establish a personal connection with your potential customers by incorporating warmth and personality into your copy to make visitors feel valued and understood. Address their pain points directly, show empathy, and assure them that they are not alone in facing these challenges.

By adding a personal touch to your message, you’ll build trust and increase your chance of converting visitors into customers.


5. Unclear Call To Action

So you have explained to your visitors all the wonderful benefits of acquiring your product or service, now what should they do? A common mistake I see is not placing clear CTAs to guide visitors on what to do next, leaving them confused.

Ensure CTA’s are prominently placed on your sales page with specific and action-oriented language that clearly states what action your visitors should take.


6. Exaggeration

Avoid writing tactics on your sales page like inflating the original price of your offer (e.g., saying it's worth $10,000) only to then heavily discount it (offering it for $500) or even promising more than you can deliver. These can come across as manipulative to customers and will lead to disappointments.

Instead of creating a false impression about the value of your offer, focus on clearly communicating the benefits and features that your customers will gain from purchasing your product or service.

By avoiding these mistakes and focusing on making them about your ideal clients, showcasing your previous customers’ positive experiences, making a great first impression, establishing a personal connection, having a clear and strong call to action, and communicating your offer’s benefits to your customers, you can significantly improve the effectivity of your sales page.

Remember, an effective sales page should engage your customers, address their needs, and convince them to take your desired action.

If you need more guidance on how to write your sales page copy, be sure to check out my Pitch Perfect Sales Page. A clear roadmap to craft compelling sales page copy without the expense of hiring a professional copywriter.



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